About us
The American Alumni Association (AAA) of Sri Lanka was established in July 1988. Initially set up to reminisce and share common experiences during their time in the USA, the AAA has since carried out various programs for both outbound as well as returning graduates and has been instrumental in encouraging Sri Lankans who have received their higher education in the United States to return to Sri Lanka and serve their motherland by sharing their acquired knowledge and expertise.
President's short speech
Greetings! I am honored to serve as President of the American Alumni Association. When I joined AAA after my return to Sri Lanka ten years ago, I never expected that this group would become family to me. In these uncertain times it is reassuring to know that our alumni network and board is actively participating, financially supporting, and promoting various activities.
How to join with us
As American Alumni we pride ourselves as being well rounded individuals who make our community better. Through the affiliation of AAA SL we hope you will enjoy the many perks of becoming one of us.
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